Monday, March 9, 2009

What breaks your heart?

I've been in an emotionally intense bible study on Esther with mom and Lori a.k.a. Ma and Moppa for the past several weeks and we've covered alot of great topics like the importance of having a mentor and this past week our leader, Denise Hildreth, talked to us about finding an organization to give back to. At least I think that was what she said Bishop has decided that he doesn't want to sleep through bible study anymore so I was in the back trying to keep him quiet the majority of the time. Anyways, it got me thinking about where I feel like I'm called to help. Denise said that if something breaks our heart then that is usually where God will use us most. There are so many things that break my heart like abortion, genocide, cancer, the list goes on and on but recently my heart has felt heaviest over sick babies that I have read about in the "blogworld". I feel like I am on a personal level with these families because they are sharing themselves so intimately with us in hopes that we can help them. It breaks my heart to see helpless innocent babies clinging to life and their parents dying inside not being able to save them. I think about Bishop and how grateful I am for his health and how it would kill me if anything were to happen to him. The faith of these parents amazes me. Its inspiring to see parents in their situation not blame God but glorify Him even more. The biggest way that I feel like I can help them is to pray. I pray everyday for their healing and for miracles to happen because I know that God can do that if we ask especially if we ask in numbers. If you don't believe that miracles can happen from prayer then read MckMama's story or Kelly's story. They had access to thousands of people through their blogs to pray for their miracle babies. Also check out this amazing story and picture of an angel appearing at the very same moment a miracle was happening . If you were in their situations wouldn't you like to know that you have a powerful team of prayer warriors on your side? I am always adding new buttons to the sidebar of families who need our prayers and I hope that you will take time to read their heart wrenching stories and pray for them. I am realistic and I know that not all of my prayers will be answered the way I would like them to but that won't stop me from trying. Having faith means that you don't question why some people are healed and others aren' is beyond our understanding.

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up." ~James 5:15

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Sweet sister, God definitely hears your prayers and I know they are making a difference in the lives of these precious babies that have touched your heart. Love you so much!