Tuesday, March 10, 2009

4 month update

Bishop had his 4 month doctor visit today minus the vaccines. ;) He was quite the little charmer and had everyone there under his spell. Everything went great and he weighed in at 16 pounds! He is in the 66th percentile for weight and 79th for heigth which was a big jump from his 2 month visit. I talked to Dr. Kalb about his eczema and he recommended that I eliminate dairy to see if it helps. The poor thing has had a hard time with it and vaseline is the only thing working so far so hopefully we will see some good results from me changing my diet. I tried eliminating dairy once before for his gas but didn't see a change from it. The only thing that helps the gas is his daily dose of probiotics. I'm excited to try an even better probiotic called returi that my sister told me about and maybe it will help even more. Reuteri is naturally found in breast milk and it helps with healthy digestion and boosts the immune system. Bishop is also starting to roll over. It's funny because my sister just asked me last night if he has started that (you can tell she has had three kids, she knows exactly when all of the milestones should happen) and then I noticed him doing it last night! He seems to want to do it more when he's sleeping which makes me nervous. Good thing he sleeps right next to me so I know if anything is wrong. Some people might think that I'm crazy but I love having him in bed to snuggle with and I'll be sad when he starts to sleep in his own bed. It works for us and he loves it too. Jeremy said that I was smiling while I was asleep the other morning, it was probably because I knew that my sweet baby was next to me.

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