Monday, March 16, 2009

Here are some more pictures that our friend Richard took for us! Tomorrow I am fasting from the computer, television, phone and radio so I won't be posting again until later in the week...try to hold back your tears. ;) My bible study leader, Denise, asked us all to fast this Tuesday and to focus on praying for eachother throughout the day. Since I'm breastfeeding I can't fast from food so I chose electronics. I'm kind of looking forward to it. It will be a nice way to clear my head and refocus. I have so much that I need to do for my herbalist course anyways. My next project is to make bread from scratch! After I finish with the nutrition portion I'll start studying about pregnancy, birth and vaccines which you all know I can't get enough research on that topic!


Mel said...

Hi Melissa,
I'm melanie, a friend of Bethany's. I came across your blog from hers and have enjoyed watching Bishop grow and change. I just wanted to pass alonga blog you might step-sister Amy (who by the way graduated from DLHS the same year as your brother in law David..he can vouch for her...:) is into all the same organic natural topics as you and her blog is FULL of such might find it helpful... I think is the right address. Enjoy!
ps-I laughed os hard at your entry a while back about poopy cloth diapers.....I'm learning too that a moms best laid plans don't always go as planned.

Bishop's Mom said...

Hi Melanie! Thanks for commenting and following us. Bishop can be a great source of entertainment! He tried to sabatoge the whole cloth diaper thing but I persevered! I checked out your step-sister's blog and it's right up my alley. I'll have to start following it. Take care! ~Melissa