Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

This one is for my mom!
My mom did not mistake my 4 month old for his 14 month old cousin and try to feed him a spoonful of lasgana! That would have been a big jump from breastmilk. No pureed carrots or peas inbetween just straight from breatmilk to lasgana!

I did not try to paint my neice's fingernails and spill bright red nailpolish on my parent's carpet and I didn't have a flash back to when I spilled black nailpolish at their house last summer. F.Y.I. windex works great for removing nailpolish from carpet.


Kathleen said...

LOL The lasagne thing was too funny! I didn't know you spilled black nail polish over there too...does mom know? ;) Avery said you weren't a good painter. haha. I think you told her that and she was just repeating it. She loves her Aunt least you were willing to paint her nails. I'm always putting her off until later...which happens maybe once a week (she wants me to paint them everyday though!)

Bishop's Mom said...

What a little diva! We both agreed that Ma should doing the nailpolishig from now on. I guess that's the way to get her to stop asking!