Friday, March 20, 2009

Being still...

I think that God has been sending me a message lately to be still. I can't tell you how many times I have come across the verse "Be still, and know that I am God" ~Psalm 46:10 over the past week. I love that verse and when I read it a feel such a peace come over me. I desire that more than anything but it's so hard when I have a 4 month old to take care of, dog to take out, laundry to do, dishes to be washed, bills to be payed, herbalist course to study, books to be read, blogs to write, twittering to do and of course get the point. My "quiet time" and stillness gets pushed to the bottom of the list. But I'm starting to understand that God doesn't just want me to stop what I'm doing and literally be still but to make my mind still as well. I also love Psalm 131:2 "I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me" I've heard it several times but never really understood it, why is a weaned child used as an example and not a nursing child? Then last night I read my new book "Satisfy My Thirsty Soul" by Linda Dillow and she explained it to me. I opened up to chapter 3 and it's titled "My Soul Finds Stillness" and under it is what else but Psalm 46:10, at that moment I thought okay God I can take a hint. Anyways, Linda had asked herself that same question and writes that when a child is weaned they no longer look to our bodies as a means to satisfy their hunger, they are content. That was the point that David was trying to get across when he wrote Psalm 131....he was satisfied and content he wasn't approaching God with requests but he was just wanting to be still in God's presence. That's a beautiful thought isn't it? I think that that is what God is wanting me to experience. I'm constantly asking Him to help heal sick babies, to protect my baby, my family, friends and me. I have a long list of prayer requests and praises that I fill my prayers with all through the day but I think that basically He wants me to just be quiet and content sometimes. It's such a simple thought but so hard to grasp.

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