Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This weekend.....

I did not show up to church over a half hour late with a baby that I had let sleep way too long so all he wanted to do was laugh and talk during the very quiet service and I did not almost knock a lady over with his carseat trying to get to my illegally parked car.

I did not have a bag of movie theater popcorn for lunch and rotel dip followed by cherry pie and ice cream for dinner on Saturday and I certainly did not have rotel dip for dinner the night before also.

I did not yell "why can't you hear me...what's wrong with your phone?" when I was checking a message from my mom and I thought I had actually called her instead.

I did not just spend my afternoon at JoAnne's getting supplies for another business venture that will probably never come to fruition and I did not go to Wild Oats next and spend way too much money on groceries and then drive to my mom's house to steal her viking bread from Meridee's out of her freezer as if that would balance out spending $7 on organic spinach.

And I am not occupying my time blogging when I should be taking advantage of having a sleeping baby by folding the 4 loads of clean laundry that are sitting on my bedroom floor, paying bills and then starting dinner.

1 comment:

Coryn Currie said...

You are so funny-don't give up on the business venture yet-I think it's a good idea. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I had to re-post the last one though so your comment is gone, darnit.