Friday, April 24, 2009

Before April comes to an end I wanted to mention that it is Autism Awareness month and also Cesaeran Awareness along with Earth Day this month. It's a busy month! Sadly I was unable to join my fellow tree huggers at Centennial Park for a celebration because I was working but I try to make everyday earth day by recycling, using cloth diapers, energy efficient bulbs, buying locally when I can and bathing every other day to limit water use. Okay so I'm not doing that just to limit water use but mainly because Bishop won't always allow me to have time to shower. When you get a chance take some time to educate yourself on Autism which is a rapidly growing epidemic and watch The Business of Being Born to see why so many women are getting c-sections now. Don't watch it a week before you go in labor like I did. It made me even more nervous about my decision to get induced. Had the doctor not thought that I was carrying a ten pound baby and had I not been a week late I would have let him come naturally which I wish I had. My delivery was a wonderful experience thankfully but knowing what I know now the next one might just be born at home in my bathtub!

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